Common Causes of Spine & Hip Pain in Los Angeles, CA

The lower portion of your spine shares the same general space with your hip bones, joints, and connecting soft tissues. For this reason, it’s not too much of a stretch for something going on with your spine to affect your hips, and vice versa. But if you ignore either part of a potential two-part problem of this nature, you may not enjoy complete relief. Here’s a closer look at common causes of spine and hip pain.

Spinal Disc Issues

Discs in your lower back can slip out of place and irritate nearby nerves. Should this happen, you may notice nerve-related symptoms such as numbness, tingling sensations, and general discomfort. These symptoms sometimes extend to the hip area. You may also shift your way of walking to compensate for your lower back pain, which can place extra stress on your hip joints. Possible solutions for this potential cause of spine and hip pain include:

• Posture adjustments
• Anti-inflammatory medications
• Personalized physical therapy
• Nonsurgical decompression
• Surgical decompression if other treatment options aren’t helping much

Pinched Lower Back Nerves

A pinched nerve in this area can produce shooting pain that extends into the hip area. This sometimes happens because of a sudden injury, but it can also be related to localized inflammation. If you’re noticing more intense pain when you make certain movements, there’s a good chance it’s an issue a spine specialist can help you with. Some patients benefit from medication, while others see better results from therapy, injections, or—if necessary—surgery. There are many minimally invasive options for spine surgery, including fusion procedures and various spinal fusion alternatives. Santa Monica patients who are seeking relief from back or hip pain should see a spine specialist for prompt diagnosis.

SI Joint Problems

Sacroiliac (SI) joints link the pelvis to the lower part of the spine above the tailbone. These two joints play a role in transferring force and weight from the legs to the upper body. They can be affected by overuse and excess strain or a sudden injury. The result can be radiating pain and similar discomfort felt within the lower back and hip area that’s especially noticeable during movement. What’s referred to as SI joint dysfunction may be treated with:

• Controlled exercise
• Physical therapy
• Pain meds
• Manual manipulation
• SI joint injections
• Supports or braces

Spinal Arthritis

Osteoarthritis, the most common type of spinal arthritis, is a progressive condition that gradually wears down healthy cartilage in the backbone. In turn, this process can set off a sort of domino effect that causes spinal bones to shift or irritate nerves. You may then overstress your hip joints as you shift how you move to compensate for the resulting discomfort. Eventually, arthritis may develop in the joints in your hips as well from the added stress. If arthritis is affecting your spine and hips, you may be advised to:

• Adopt a safe and effective exercise routine
• Lose excess weight
• Use anti-inflammatory medication to manage related tissue swelling
• Adjust your eating habits to include green leafy veggies and other foods that keep inflammation in check

If you’re experiencing localized spine and hip pain, you may be referred to a Santa Monica spine surgeon if it’s believed something spine-related may be a factor. The spinal health specialists at The Spine Institute have decades of experience with every aspect of back pain and how to alleviate it. Call one of our helpful representatives today at 310-828-7757 to schedule an appointment.