Interested in making a donation to the foundation for spinal restoration?

Spinal diseases affect everyone; male and female, young and old.

Your generosity makes all the difference – it supports research for spinal disorders and treatment options so that you or someone you love can quickly and safely return to a healthy, happy and active lifestyle.

If you are considering a donation to the FSR, know that all donations are used entirely for research to seek improved treatments and to discover the causes and possible prevention of spinal deformities. No portion of any contribution is used for any other purpose.

Your support is greatly appreciated.


The Foundation for Spinal Restoration is a 501(c)3 organization operated exclusively for educational and scientific purposes.Contributions to the FSR Research Fund are deductible by donors in computing their taxable income in the manner and to the extent provided by IRS codes. Operating funds for the FSR come from membership dues, our annual meeting and courses, publication sales and other sources.


Santa Monica
2811 Wilshire Blvd, Suite 850 Santa Monica, CA 90403.
(310) 828-7757
Beverly Hills
444 San Vicente Blvd 901 Los Angeles, CA 90048.
(310) 248-7340

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