Finding Spine Surgery Risks

A good spine surgeon will be honest with you about the risks associated with your spine surgery. However, this doesn’t mean that you can’t take additional steps for your added peace of mind to find out what risks are associated with your specific surgery. Here are a few tips from the experienced Beverly Hills spine surgeons at The Spine Institute Center for Spinal Restoration.

Ask Specific Questions

Make the questions you ask as specific as possible to your situation. For instance, if you smoke, ask how this may affect the outcome of your procedure. Take some time to get to know the surgeon doing your procedure. A reputable surgeon isn’t going to be offended if you do ask questions like:

  • How many times have you performed this surgery?
  • What’s your success rate with this particular procedure?
  • Would you consider this surgery yourself if you had the same problem?
  • Will you be performing the entire surgery? (sometimes other specialists or students assist)

Do Your Own Homework

Take a closer look at your specific condition by doing some browsing on trusted websites like WebMD. You can usually find video or at least some detailed illustrations to get a better idea of what will take place during your surgery. If you have any questions after doing some of your own research, schedule an appointment with your surgeon before your scheduled procedure so you can get a better explanation.

Other Considerations

Whether you’re considering a traditional decompression surgery or a novel non-fusion spine procedure, other ways to find out your risks for your specific procedure include:

  • Getting patient referrals from your surgeon
  • Seeking out people online who have had your procedure
  • Talking to another spine surgeon to get a better feel for what risks you may face (or at least a different perspective)
  • Being honest with your doctor about any other conditions or symptoms you may have (to get a better idea of potential risks)

For more information about spine surgery or to get a second opinion about a recommended procedure, call 310-828-7757 and schedule an in-person consultation with Dr. Bae of The Spine Institute Center for Spinal Restoration. With a conservative approach to care and involvement in some of the latest clinical trials for treating degenerative spine conditions, you can rest assured you’re being provided with all of your available options.