Some patients with chronic back pain find themselves resting as much as possible, which tends to be more beneficial for temporary pain rather than ongoing pain. The science behind the concept of exercising to relieve or lessen the severity of back pain centers on increasing your pain threshold and keeping muscles active. When it comes to spine surgery, Beverly Hills surgeons offer some tips to help you get started:
You’re going to want to do exercises for your back that won’t unintentionally do more harm than good. A licensed physical therapist or certified trainer can show you how to safely perform certain exercises. Take some time to find someone you click with on a personal level to make your sessions as productive and comfortable as possible.
The kind of stretches that tend to be most beneficial for back pain sufferers are similar to the moves practiced during yoga. Squats may also improve mobility, especially when going up and down steps or steep surfaces. If you’re experiencing pain with stretches or squats, there are certain modifications you can try while still getting the same benefits from these exercises.
Various cardiovascular exercises can also have noticeable benefits if you’re dealing with recurring back pain. The type of cardiovascular exercises you can safely do depends on the nature of your back pain and how you feel after walking on a treadmill or elliptical trainer. Aquatic exercises (i.e., swimming, water aerobics) tend to be easier on your muscles because they are low-impact and are thus more comfortable on the muscles.
Since back pain is highly individualized, any type of exercise you feel comfortable doing is likely to have some benefits. Just remember to stop if severe pain returns and see your doctor if a little rest or an over-the-counter pain reliever doesn’t take care of the problem.
To learn more about spinal pain and options for treatment, reach out to The Spine Institute Center for Spinal Restoration. Medical Director Dr. Hyun Bae leads a team of board-certified surgeons and spinal specialists who can help diagnosis your spinal condition, as well as offer information on safe and effective treatments for minimizing or reducing back and neck pain. Call us at (310) 828-7727 – we’re here to help.