From platform shoes to vinyl records, there are many things that tend to come back into vogue again after many years. One of these recently rediscovered fads is waterbeds. Once a staple of the ‘80s and ‘90s, newer versions of […]
Strong enough to support your upper body weight, your sacroiliac (SI) joints are located where your lower back links to your pelvis. If inflammation occurs around these joints, you may notice localized pain and similar symptoms. Initially, treatment often involves […]
Nearly 10 percent of all adults in the United States—about 16 million people—experience chronic back pain. If you happen to be one of them, you may be open to any type of treatment that could provide relief, especially if you’re […]
When you think about back pain, the lower back area is what probably comes to mind. After all, lower back pain is the leading cause of disability worldwide and one of the most common medical complaints in the United States. […]
Back muscle spasms can range from nothing more than a minor annoyance to a major painful distraction that limits movement. The most effective way to reduce the risk of being sidelined by muscle spasms in the back is to develop […]
Back pain is often due to a “pulled” or strained muscle because of the abundance of muscles that either directly or indirectly support the spine. The lower spine area alone houses large paired muscles (erector spinae), muscles that help with […]
Living with spine pain for more than a few days or weeks can take a serious toll on your daily life. It’s not always easy to find a pain management solution that’s effective. There’s also concern about the long-term use […]
Most spinal stress fractures occur within the lower (lumbar) back area, since this is one of the most mobile and vulnerable parts of the body. If you do have a lower back stress fracture—referred to as spondylolysis if spinal bones […]
Simply having back pain doesn’t necessarily mean surgery is your only option. However, if you’ve been relying mostly on medication to get through your daily routine without distracting pain, you’re not doing yourself any favors either. Meds only mask symptoms. […]