Can the Spine Realign Itself in Los Angeles, CA

While it’s common to have spine-related aches and pains now and then, most people have fairly healthy spines. Over time, the back and its parts can become misaligned due to age-related wear, poor posture habits, and other factors. If you’re experiencing distracting or persistent spine-related discomfort that might be due to some type of misalignment, you may be wondering if your spine can actually realign itself. Read on to discover the answer along with some tips that can help with spinal healing.

It Depends on What You Mean by “Realign Itself”

Technically, the spine could possibly realign itself with nonsurgical efforts, which might include regular exercise, physical therapy, or lifestyle changes. If by “realign itself” you mean without the need for surgery, you could very well see improvements in your spine’s alignment as you do spine-friendly things. However, if your definition of “realign itself” is doing nothing at all, then self-realignment isn’t likely. In fact, doing nothing if you have existing spine-related discomfort often makes symptoms worse.

Things You Can Do to Improve Your Spine’s Alignment

If your goal is to avoid surgery and experience welcome relief, there are some things you can do to promote spinal healing. While every situation is different, keeping the tips mentioned below in mind may contribute to some degree of realignment.

Get Professional Input

You’ll be more likely to respond to home-based treatments if the source of your discomfort is diagnosed properly. For instance, misalignment due to a pinched nerve or slipped disc is different from what’s associated with mild scoliosis. Also, realize nonsurgical remedies are typically suggested first unless symptoms are severe or potentially life-threatening.

Exercise in a Way that’s Comfortable

Alignment problems sometimes become less of an issue with regular exercise. Fortunately, there are many options with exercise that could help with spinal realignment in a way that’s not excessively stressful. Possibilities for exercise of mild to moderate intensity include:

• Cycling or using an elliptical machine or exercise bike
• Swimming or other water-based forms of exercise
• Yoga and similar disciplines

Explore Physical Therapy

Physical therapy is often recommended for spine-related issues associated with misalignment. A personalized physical therapy plan can zero in on areas contributing to alignment problems. A physical therapist can recommend therapeutic exercises tailored to your needs and preferences. Adjustments can also be made as improvements are seen. Stick to your recommended routine and provide honest feedback to your therapist to boost your odds of responding well to physical therapy.

Consider Manual Manipulation

One other way to improve spinal alignment is with manual manipulation. Techniques of this nature are often performed by spine specialists or chiropractors. A massage therapist may also use similar techniques. By applying pressure in strategic ways, these professionals may provide relief by:

• Easing stress on spine-supporting muscle groups
• Freeing compressed nerves
• Relieving tension that affects certain parts of your spine

If your symptoms aren’t going away even after following the tips mentioned above, check in with your doctor or a Beverly Hills spine surgeon. If surgery does become an option, many procedures performed today involve minimally invasive techniques.

Spinal misalignment can extend to the neck area as well, and some conditions affecting the cervical spine may be correctable with minimally invasive neck surgery. Beverly Hills residents should reach out to The Spine Institute today to find out if surgery is their best option for finding relief from the effects of spinal misalignment. Call 310-828-7757 today to schedule an appointment.